• The Hub
  • NZ Chapter - Raphael House Rudolf Steiner School - a tapestry of learners

NZ Chapter - Raphael House Rudolf Steiner School - a tapestry of learners

  • 26 March 2024
  • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM (NZDT)
  • Raphael House Rudolf Steiner School 27 Matuhi Street Lower Hutt, Wellington 5010

Raphael House Rudolf Steiner School - a tapestry of learning

Growing with the community of learners and their families a multi-layered development of facilities and participation has been created

Join us for an evening exploring Raphael House Rudolf Steiner School.

Speaker School Principal, Karyn Gray will present the pathway to delivery and occupation of this successful project.

The project architect, Hugh Tennent, from Tennent Brown will present the designer's narrative concerning the project.

Ko Tukutuku te maunga

Ko Wairere te awa

Ko Tirohanga te rohe

Ko Te Awakairangi te takiwā

Ko Te Whare o Raphael te kura

Ko Rudolf Steiner te tangata

Tihe mauri ora!

Tēnā koutou

Raphael House opened as a private school to 12 children on June 11th 1979 in a renovated house in Avalon.

Earlier in December 1978 the Rudolf Steiner School Trust had been registered and in 1979 they bought the existing site in Tirohanga (then 3.2 hectares) of mostly gorse with rejuvenating bush.

The school in Avalon grew rapidly, expanding to two kindergarten groups and three classes by 1981.

In 1982 the first building on the present site (the present kindergarten) was completed and occupied by three primary classes. Subsequently, the school added a new class each year, these children were accommodated in a mix of prefabs and new classrooms.

The physical growth at Raphael House has been a huge and exciting task. Much of it was achieved by parent volunteers, and except for some minor works, all paid for by parent donations and fundraising.

The last project took two years to build as an extraordinary amount of groundwork was needed before the project started to build on the cliffside. This building has provided two large classrooms, office space for teachers and leaders and a secondary teachers' staff space. This building will allow us to finish a full provision of the spaces needed for secondary schooling on the hill.

While this visit will showcase the new building, there will also be an opportunity to visit some of the original buildings and architecture used as the school grew.

All images are by Adibah Saad

The event starts at 5:30pm with networking and refreshments, with presentations starting at 6:00pm. After the talks a tour of both new and older buildings will follow.


- All non-LENZ members - $20.

- Learning Environments New Zealand members - free.

Members, please e-mail nz@learningenvironments.org.nz for the promotional code to access your ticket discount.

* If you are interested in becoming a Member and enjoying our events and excellent networking opportunities without charge please send a message to nz@learningenvironments.org.au

Registered Architects can apply for 15 CPD points for attending this event

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