• The Hub
  • NZ Chapter: City as School – Te Papa’s New Hīnātore Learning Lab

NZ Chapter: City as School – Te Papa’s New Hīnātore Learning Lab

  • 09 March 2017
  • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM (NZDT)
  • Te Papa Tongarewa (Museum of New Zealand) 55 Cable Street Level 4 Wellington New Zealand

Education is not just something that happens in schools. Its breaking out. Its increasingly at the finger tips and the city is increasingly seen as part of the educational experience.

Te Papa is leading the way. Hīnātore, Te Papa’s Learning Lab is for school groups and the public. It offers learning sessions that combine cutting-edge technology with Te Papa’s collections and taonga.

Hīnātore explores news ways of learning using transformative technologies, including:

  • a purpose-built virtual reality (VR) studio where learners create, collaborate and play

  • telepresence technology that connects learners in remote locations and builds learning communities

  • the latest educational technologies for learners to collaborate, create, and share, including touch tables, smartphones, and tablets

  • a range of 3-D scanners and printers to support learners to make and invent.

Hīnātore sessions are cross-disciplinary (STEAM) and support learners’ development across the 21st Century core competencies: creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.

As a true lab, Hīnātore is a prototype for future changes across Te Papa. Its use of technology points the way in how learning environments in general can adapt.

Book here  Members free    Non-Members $16.32

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